Downpatrick Petrol Filling Station

Planning, Feasibility, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement

Carlin has successfully submitted a planning application to redevelop an existing petrol station and the provision of a new park and ride facility in Downpatrick, County Down.

Planning and environmental constraints addressed included the floodplain, archaeological assets, contaminated land, access and transport. The park and rise encroached into the countryside and therefore a department from the Development Plan required justification.

The redevelopment of the petrol filling station will provide greater space and better services for the local community. The proposal also future-proofs the development for the anticipated increase in the number of electric and hydrogen vehicles on the road.

The delivery of the park and ride scheme has been identified as a strategic priority for Downpatrick in established and emerging policy. The provision of a park and ride facility will reduce commuter parking in the town centre and will provide additional space for shoppers and residents.

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